Browser MMO Genfanad plans an alpha event for September, pushes off Kickstarter

The company behind Browser MMO Genfanad, a browser-based massively multiplayer online game, has pushed back its Kickstarter campaign from September to October.

Bluesnews is a browser MMO that plans an alpha event for September. The game has pushed off their Kickstarter campaign to focus on the alpha event.


We explored Genfanad, a brand-new browser-based MMORPG, back in July, and if you remember anything about it, it’s probably the concept image of a buff Abe Lincoln shaking hands with a medieval knight. As we observed at the time, the Rose-Tinted Games aims to flip “classic RPG clichés on their heads” by allowing you to “banter with demon stockbrokers, negotiate with erudite undead, and, of course, kill humble chickens.”

If that sounds like your type of MMO, keep an eye out for a free alpha later this month.

“Genfanad has announced that an open alpha testing weekend will take place on September 24th and 25th. Genfanad’s tutorial and beginning area will be shown during this testing weekend, as well as some of the elements that will be included in the final game, such as a range of abilities to level up and enemies to battle. Not only that, but Genfanad is commemorating the event by awarding prizes and incentives, including cuddly Dragonwyrms, limited-edition stickers, and more.”

The studio had planned a Kickstarter for September back in July, but according to the latest press release, it has been pushed out until “early next year.”


The emulating games reddit is a website that allows users to share and discuss emulation software. They recently released an article about Genfanad, which plans to host an alpha event in September and push off their Kickstarter.

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