New Study Analyzes How the Pandemic Affects Studying Abroad

The study found that students who studied abroad had higher GPAs than those who did not. This is because studying abroad increased their ability to learn, and made them more receptive to new ideas.

The the impact of covid-19 on higher education around the world is a new study that analyzes how the pandemic affects studying abroad.

Many tourists’ plans for 2020 and beyond have been disrupted by the epidemic, as have the plans of students who had planned to study abroad. A new survey from sheds insight on how the pandemic has affected studying abroad and if students are ready to go again.

A total of 317 people took part in the poll. Despite the fact that 44% of those polled had to postpone their travels, with 32% canceling their study abroad plans entirely last year, the majority of those polled expressed a desire to travel even more as a result of the epidemic.


However, a bigger majority (62 percent) said their financial worries were worse today than they were before the epidemic, putting their study abroad intentions in jeopardy.

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When students contemplate studying abroad, the nation in which they would be studying comes first, followed by safety. Europe is by far the most popular study abroad destination for American students, followed by Japan and Canada.

The second most important factor is safety. In this category, students are no longer only concerned with criminal problems, but also with COVID-19. Many students may have a strong desire to study in a country where more individuals have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and where laws are in place to limit its spread. 79 percent of students indicated they would pay more for a program with higher safety and sanitary requirements.

The cost is the third most important factor, with students opting for less expensive programs or locations to save money, with tuition, travel, and accommodation being the primary concerns. Studying abroad may be very expensive. A study abroad program in the United Kingdom, for example, might cost anywhere from $8,000 and $21,000!

Overall, 41% of students are confident in their ability to study abroad this fall semester, and 39% are confident in their ability to study abroad in the spring of 2022.

However, although studying abroad is a fantastic experience, not everyone can afford it or fit it into their hectic academic schedule. A virtual exchange program, an internship abroad, or domestic study away from a student’s home school are all viable alternatives to studying abroad. Almost everyone (94%) indicated they were interested in these possibilities, with some saying they would be prepared to pay more for them than conventional study abroad alternatives.

With ever-changing rules and admission criteria, studying abroad may be a difficult experience. While 64 percent of respondents’ schools were partly or completely restarting their study abroad programs, it may be some time before students can study abroad in the same manner they did before.

The covid impact on study abroad is a new study that analyzed how the pandemic has affected studying abroad.

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