Laptop Won’t Turn On But Power Light Is On (8 Solutions)

Laptop won’t turn on but the power light is on? This may be due to a variety of reasons, each with their own solution.

The “laptop not starting up but power light is on” is a problem that many people face. There are 8 solutions to the issue.

Your laptop’s power light may illuminate while the display screen stays black, indicating that the battery needs to be changed.

For laptop users, this is a highly irritating condition. They can only fix it by using strategies that require them to research the problem’s root cause and, as a result, discover a solution. 

Why Does My Laptop Not Turn On Even Though The Power Light Is On?

The power light on your laptop may be on for a variety of reasons, but the screen will not turn on. Due to a defect or insufficient battery charge, a laptop may not switch on even when the power light is on. Your PC may not be correctly linked to external devices in certain situations, or you may need to charge it while it is turned off.

Why Does My Laptop Not Turn On When The Power Light Is On?

Unplug your laptop first.

Remove the battery or disconnect it, then hold down the power button for 30 seconds. Remove and replace the memory module (s), then attempt to turn it on. If the problem persists, try each module in each socket one at a time until the defective module or broken socket is identified (change the mainboard in the case). 

2. Disconnect any external devices.

Turn down your computer and disconnect any external devices, such as USB drives, keyboards, printers, and other peripherals, before rebooting the system. 

3. Use a different monitor on it.

To begin, use an HDMI cable to connect your computer to an external display. If the external monitor is working well, the laptop screen is most likely broken. It may be necessary to press a “external monitor” button for it to turn on.

This might be the f4 button or the button with the two-monitor indication on it. If the external monitor’s screen is ok, the problem is either the ribbon cable that connects it or the connected display. 

If the external display does not come on at all or stays black like the laptop screen, the GPU or graphics card is most likely the source of the issue, necessitating a motherboard replacement.

4. The Power Supply

Check to see if you can reconnect the AC adapter and whether the charging port is working properly. If the laptop turns on with an AC adapter plugged in, do the following procedures to check the condition of the adapter in the BIOS:

  • Turn off the system.
  • Turn on the computer, then repeatedly press the f2 key until the BIOS menu appears. 

Keep in mind that the AC adapter’s status in BIOS must specify its kind. Your PC will continue to receive power if the Adapter is set to Unknown or None, but the battery will not charge. Check that the adapter cable is correctly plugged in on both ends. 

The battery is broken or dead if your PC functions with the adapter hooked in. 

5. Replace the battery if necessary 

Remove the battery and reconnect it before moving on to the next step. This easy action will fix your computer’s screen problem. Check to see if you can run the system only on the battery. When linked to a power source, be sure you don’t turn it on.

This will quickly restore the battery to its original condition, which may not be perfect but is certainly better than before. It depends on how well you’ve taken care of it. If the battery is completely damaged, you’re out of luck.

It’s also possible that your machine is in a power condition that prevents it from booting. Disconnect the power line as well as the battery for at least one minute. 

6. Look for a bent pin in the power port.

In a few laptops, there is a pin inside the power port that ensures a secure connection to the AC adapter. Your PC will not receive power if this pin is damaged or deformed. The system’s power port must be updated or corrected to address this problem.

However, depending on the type of the laptop, the remedy may need to replace the complete motherboard. 

Dusty Ram is number seven.

Your laptop may not come on despite the power light being on due to dusty/unclean RAM. In this scenario, you may switch your laptop off and clean the RAM by opening the RAM slot on the rear.

RAM in Laptop

You’ll need an eraser and a screwdriver to remove the RAM connection plate from your laptop, clean it, and reinstall it. You may switch on your laptop screen using this way.

You may learn how to clean your RAM connection plate by watching this short YouTube video.


8. Disconnect the CMOS Battery

If the procedure described before does not work, you may remove the CMOS battery and replace it. This may assist you in resolving the problem, but if it does not, there is a problem with your motherboard.


My laptop would not turn on, but the power light will illuminate for a few seconds?

Disconnect any peripheral devices connected to your computer to fix the problem. Remove the battery and adapter, then press and hold the power button for 10 seconds before plugging the adaptor back in and turning on the laptop.

My laptop would not turn on, although the power light on the built-in battery is illuminated?

This error indicates that your system’s hardware has detected power. The problem might be with your laptop’s hardware, and if your computer has separate lights for battery and AC power, you can check either. The battery is bad if the AC light turns on but the battery does not. 

In Windows 10, my laptop won’t turn on, yet the power light is on?

Check to see whether you can start Windows 10 in safe mode. It will only install the necessary services and drivers on the Windows 10 laptop. A driver problem might be the cause of the boot failure. 


Whichever of the actions listed above you choose, be sure to follow them carefully since one of them will offer the answer you need. I hope this information is useful and sends you in the right direction for resolving your laptop issues.

The “laptop won’t turn on even when plugged in” is a problem that can occur with laptops. The 8 solutions listed below will help you fix this issue.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why is my laptop not opening but the light is on?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: Check the power cord to make sure it is plugged in. If not, check your laptop for any signs of an improper shutdown like a blinking green light or other indicators that might tell you what went wrong with the computer while it was running.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you fix a laptop that wont turn on?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: If your laptop is still under warranty, the best option would be to send it in for repair. Otherwise, you can try these easy steps to fix a laptop that wont turn on.
1) Switch off power supply 2) Unplug the battery 3) Remove any external hardware connected if possible 4) Press and hold down both Power buttons 5) Plug back in power supply 6) Wait until screen turns on 7) Reconnect cables 8、Wait 30 seconds”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you fix a black screen on a laptop?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”A: The black screen should be replaced with a white one. Open the lid and use your laptops keyboard to press F1 or Fn+F2 at the same time until you get back into Windows.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my laptop not opening but the light is on?

A: Check the power cord to make sure it is plugged in. If not, check your laptop for any signs of an improper shutdown like a blinking green light or other indicators that might tell you what went wrong with the computer while it was running.

How do you fix a laptop that wont turn on?

A: If your laptop is still under warranty, the best option would be to send it in for repair. Otherwise, you can try these easy steps to fix a laptop that wont turn on. 1) Switch off power supply 2) Unplug the battery 3) Remove any external hardware connected if possible 4) Press and hold down both Power buttons 5) Plug back in power supply 6) Wait until screen turns on 7) Reconnect cables 8、Wait 30 seconds

How do you fix a black screen on a laptop?

A: The black screen should be replaced with a white one. Open the lid and use your laptops keyboard to press F1 or Fn+F2 at the same time until you get back into Windows.

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